1296 Sqft Individual House Sale in Manali

Chennai Bank e-Auction Sale Property

Property Id 4748     
Location Manali
Property Type House
Area 1296 Sqft
City Kanchipuram
Property Description:

All that piece and parcel of Land and Building admeasuring an extent of 1,296 sq. ft. comprised in Nanja Survey No.580/1C, 5B New Survey No.580/19B, 580/20 measuring East to West 25 feet on the North, 28 feet on the south, North to South 53 feet on the west, 71 feet on the East and the tiled house thereon with electric service connection No.61, and the Door number 90, Harikrishnapuram Village No.97 Kancheepuram Taluk, Kanchipuram District. Situated within the Sub Registration District of Kancheepuram Joint-I, Registration District of Kanchipuram.

Possession Status Symbolic
Reserve Price ₹40,00,000
Emd Amount ₹4,00,000
Auction Date 30/03/2023

EMD Submission Last Date

Documents Available

PDF format Bank Sale Notice

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