3400 Sqft Individual House Sale in Korattur

Chennai Bank e-Auction Sale Property

Property Id 5046     
Location Korattur
Property Type House
Area 3400 Sqft
City Tiruvallur
Property Description:  S NO 31; All that piece and parcel of land and building bearing Plot No. KK 3C, East Balaji Nagar 12th Street, Kallikuppam, Ambattur, Chennai-600053, comprised in Survey No. 773/2 (forming part of the layout approved by Govt. in their order No. L.P.H./D.T.P No. 17/1965) of Korattur Village, Ambattur Taluk, Thiruvallore District, the plot measuring 3400 sq.ft., and together with building thereon, and being
bounded on the North by: Plot No.K.K.2, South by: Common passage measuring North to South eight feet breadth and East to West Sixty five feet length, East by:40 feet Road, West by: Vacant Land, Plot No. KK-3C. Measuring: East to West on the Northern side 50 feet, East to West on the Southern side 50 feet, North to South on the Eastern side 68 feet, North to South on the Western side 68 feet. In all measuring 3400 sq.ft., or there about and together with building thereon
Possession Status Symbolic
Reserve Price ₹76,00,000
Emd Amount ₹7,60,000
Auction Date 16/02/2023

EMD Submission Last Date

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