Property Description:
Property : Land with Building at Zamin Pallavaram, Chennai. All that pioce and parcel of the property bearing Door No:19/40, Zamin Pallavaram Village, Alandur Taluk, Kancheepuram District, comprised in S.No.72, Patta No.2688 as por Patta New S.No.R.P.T No.2384/10, Ward No.C, Block No.9, Old Punjai S.No.72/7 and 72/8, T.S.No.33
and Old S.No.72/9 Pert, T.S.No.35, measuring an extent of 896 (9641 sq.ft) as per document measuring 20 cent, as per patta measuring 22 cent together with building thereon with amenities and the land bounded on the North by: S.No.31 & 32, South by: 30 feet Road, East by: Natesan Road, West by: Property belongs to Pushparaj. 1.5.No,33
measuring 600 (6456 sq.ft): East to West on the Northern side: 13.4 meter, East to West on the Southorn side: 22.4 moter, North to South on the Eastern side: 32.4 meter, North to South on the Westem side: 31 meter. In admeasuring 600 sq.meter (6456 sq.ft). T.S.No.35 measuring 296 (3185 sq.ft): East to West on the Northern side: 22.4 meter, East to West on the Southern side: 18 meter, North to South on the Eastern side: 15.3 meter, North to South on the Western side: 13.4 meter. In admeasuring 296 sq.meter (3185 sq.ft). In all totally land measuring 896 (9641 sq.ft) together with residential building with amenities therein, situated within the Sub Registration
District of Pallavaram and Registration District of Chennai South, , |