2730 Sqft Individual House Sale in Kodungainyur

Chennai Bank e-Auction Sale Property

Property Id5574    
Property TypeHouse
Area2730 Sqft
Property Description:

Item No: IAll that part and parcel of Land and building situate at Door No. 19, Kodugainyur, Chennai- 118 T.S No.29/38 part,Block No.14,Survey No.47,Plot no.19 Total Measuring 408 sq.ft out of 1428 sq.ft bounded on the North:20 feet Road,South:Vacant land,East:Plot No. 19 A,West Plot No. 18 Measuring,North to South – 28 feet, East to West – 51 FeetAdmeasuring 1428 Sq.ft

SCHEDULE OF THE SECURITIES IIAll that part and parcel of the Land and building situate at plot No. 19A, Kodugainyur, Chennai- 118,No.47,Plot No.19A Total Measuring 1275 sq.ft North:20 feet Road,South:Vacant land, East: Plot No. 20 A,West:Plot No. 19Measuring,On the North side-25 feet,On the south Side – 26 feet On the Eastern side -49 feet,On the western side 51 feet,Admeasuring 1275 Sq.ft The total extent of plot no 19 and 19 Ais 2730 sq.ft.

Possession StatusSymbolic
Reserve Price₹58,68,000
Emd Amount₹5,86,800
Auction Date31/01/2023
EMD Submission Last Date30/01/2023
Documents AvailablePDF format Bank Sale Notice (Paid Members only can view and download)